Visitor Access Control Scan

Access Control

Manage Your Environment

The ability to manage and control your business environment is critical. By leveraging our unique Integrated Technology Delivery™ methodology, we provide cost-effective, custom-built Access Control Systems enabling businesses to control access to areas and resources in a physical facility, or computer-based information system, via proximity, biometric or wireless devices. 

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Using our managed access control services, we can accurately and surreptitiously track visitor access to a public building or site, eliminating outdated methods such as entering one’s name in a visitor log book, a practice which lacks security and yields inadequate data.

In contrast, a visitor management system provides critical information and records facility usage by visitor, providing documentation of their whereabouts, complementing building security and access control systems.

In addition, our Managed Access Control solutions provide personnel tracking, image verification, employee information, and event documentation, and can be used to enforce policies, limiting users to specifically authorized actions and data. Virtually any door can be retrofitted with a locking system specific to end-user requirements. 

Thank you and all your staff for getting someone out in such notice. I wasn't sure what I was going to have to do if I couldn't get those doors to lock.

Much appreciated.

John P., Facility Manager


We have over two decades of experience helping thousands of customers become more efficient, connected, collaborative, and safe. Our experts can help guide you to the right solution for your building:

  1. Schedule an appointment with one of our solutions architects
  2. Reach a comprehensive mutual understanding of your technology objectives and challenges
  3. Develop a plan with a customized solution set
  4. Execute a plan that helps you overcome your technology challenges